Please ensure the application is completed to the fullest possible extent. The Trustees are empowered to make grants of charitable funds only when they are completely satisfied that the application falls within the eligibility criteria.
Whilst the Trustees will always consider eligible applications they are circumspect about buying hardware. The purchase of tools for an applicant who is a plumbing apprentice (for example) is likely to be funded, but items of a wider utility such as laptop computers are funded only when a precise need is established. They are much more willing to consider making contributions to fees (university tuition fees are a good example) or charges (school trips).
There is no limit to the number of times an eligible applicant may seek a grant but it would be most unusual for the Trustees to make more than one in each year.
Your application will be considered by the Trustees at their next meeting, but only if it is received before the deadline date shown below.
Please be aware that the Trustees set great store by the quality of the applications, and you would be wise to note that illegible handwriting, poor grammar and spelling, and lack of clarity may prejudice your chances of a successful application and act upon it accordingly.
The application form requires your consent for the use of personal information which you provide.
LEF APPLICATION (Fillable PDF Form) We recommend you download and open the fillable PDF form in Adobe Reader. If not using Adobe Reader, you will not be able to use the SUBMIT button, in which case, please either: save & email to or print & post If you are using and APPLE device, you may not be able to use the fillable form, to do this you need to download PDF Element or a similar PDF editing app. |
LEF APPLICATION (Google Form) If you have trouble using the PDF form, please complete the Google Form. For data security, you will not be asked to submit your bank details via the Google Form. These will be requested at a later stage of the application. |
Word and printable PDF versions of the application form are also available here.
The Trustees meet four times a year to allocate grants; in February, May, August and November. For an application to be considered at a meeting a completed application form must have been received by the Clerk by:
1 January, 1 April, 1 July or 1 October respectively.
NOTICE: If you do not receive an acknowledgement of your application, please call the Clerk to the Trustees to confirm receipt of your form.